Course Objective At the end of this course students should be able to perform their tasks in confined spaces, recognizing […]
Course Objective Provide learners with theoretical and practical knowledge to accustom them to: Ensure integration of principles / objectives inherent […]
Course Objective This course aims to provide participants with knowledge and skills to safely handle and store dangerous chemicals. Target […]
Course Objective: This course aims to provide participants with basic knowledge to design and implement permissions / Authorizations for working […]
Course Objective This course aims to provide participants with basic techniques to create and proceed with methods of harzard identification […]
Course Objectives Provide delegates with the knowledge and the skills needed for investigating accidents / incidents and effectively to understand […]
Our professional consulting services will help you implement, maintain or simplify your ISO 45001: 215 Health & Safety Management System.
Reporting, basic life support and emergency procedures and stabilising the victim until specialised professionals arrive.
This course aims to provide participants with basic knowledge of Health and Safety, particularly in the different aspects that distinguish them.
Sectors & Categories